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Dr. Clown Online Visits (pediatric care and specialized education)
On March 25, 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Clown Foundation created a brand new online therapeutic service : the “Nose to Nose Visits.”
Thanks to this burst of creativity, the Dr. Clowns were able to connect virtually with the patients, students and seniors they used to visit on a weekly basis.
By making an appointment, children will be able to have a 10-15 minute personalized visit with a duo of clown-doctors via a very simple video conferencing platform.

Dr. Clown Online Visits in regular elementary schools in Quebec
In the fall of 2020, we decided to offer our service to all regular elementary schools in the province. Due to all the new restrictive measures, the daily stability of the school’s environment was shaken. And this can be very troubling for children. Thus, we quickly realized that there was a huge need for our therapeutic approach in elementary schools.
Being sensitive to the well-being of all young students, to the anxiety and the stress that the pandemic can cause, it was important for us to make sure that the therapeutic benefits of our approach and the great expertise of our artists was accessible to as many people as possible.
If you are a teacher, and would like to learn more about this new program, do not hesitate to contact us at It will be our pleasure to answer all of your questions.

La Belle Visite Online Visits for seniors
Seniors living in long-term healthcare facilities feel isolated more than ever before. With this new online service, La Belle Visite artists can stay in touch with seniors they see regularely and they can reach out to seniors everywhere in the province!
The magic of technology makes distance barriers fall permitting the foundation to offer the service all over Quebec.
You are owner of a senior home, manager of a public or private CHSLD, or leisure and entertainment specialist and want to have more information on the Nose to Nose Visits for seniors? You may contact Program Manager Liliane Correia at and she will be happy to assist you.
Aidez-nous à briser l'isolement
L’impact positif de nos programmes est reconnu par le personnel médical et scolaire qui intègre nos artistes dans les procédures de soins et les objectifs d’apprentissage.